Saturday, March 23, 2013



I've always known I was an "all or nothing" kind of person.  Darryl tells me all the time it's okay not to be perfect, and just because I've strayed doesn't mean I need to jump off the wagon and run away.

So that's pretty much what I did anyway.

I blew it, and then just kept on blowing it.

But I'm back, and as we used to say in high school, I'm better than ever.

Totally committed to the whole30 again.

Today is day 2.  Yesterday, the day I had chosen as day 1, was harder than I expected, especially since I woke up to no eggs in the fridge (and I was counting on having eggs for breakfast.)  It was grocery day so there was hardly anything in the fridge or cupboards and my main goal for the morning was to remedy that situation, but without eggs.....anyway, I wasn't going to let a little thing like that stop me from the commitment I'd made to myself.  So I ate a banana and some almond butter, and made a quick trip to the store so I could have a real breakfast.  It worked, and I stuck with my plan.

So here I am on day two, loving life again, and ready to stick it out for the whole 30 days this time.


Monday, February 4, 2013


I blew it.

Last night, I totally blew my whole30.  Completely.

The sad thing is, I blew it for something not that special, and I had endured plenty of opportunities to eat something really special and prevailed.

Okay, it wasn't a complete loss.  I didn't eat any sugary processed junk.  But I did eat wheat, and cheese, and butter.

I was doing so well, too.  And finally, finally sleeping.

I don't know why I fell off the wagon, but I do know this:  I will not let one screw-up determine my next step.  Always before, one indescretion has led to "well, I already blew it anyway, so I may as well eat ice cream, and go to McDonalds, and etc etc etc."

But the thing is, this whole30/whole9 thing SO isn't a diet.

It's a lifestyle.  One that already makes me feel better, and look healthier.

And since I've said all along it's not about weight, one slip up doesn't change my journey toward health.  I just veered off the road for a minute, but I'm back on the straight and narrow now.

And loving the journey.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Days 2-4

Well, I'm doing okay so far!

On day 2 (Sunday), I did not. feel. well. at all. I hadn't slept much Saturday night and my back hurt like crazy.  I'm not sure if that was at all related to my diet but it was yucky.  So I didn't end up going to church and basically laid around all day.  I guess that's what I needed because I felt better by evening and have been up and doing the regular since then.

This has been a very busy week for me, and typically busyness sends me into full-time all-out stress eating, but I haven't done that, hallelujah!  I've been really praying for the strength to stick to this for the full 30 days NO MATTER WHAT.   I even wrote a note to myself in my calendar today (yes, I'm one of those dinosaurs who still keeps their calendar on paper):  YOU CAN DO IT!  STICK WITH IT, GIRL!

I have to admit I haven't yet "felt the magic."  In fact, I think last night's sleep was my worst yet since starting.  But I'm not giving up, I know it will come.

Monday night I made some amazing stuffed bell peppers.  They were stuffed with ground beef, garlic, onion, mushrooms, and tomatoes.  The ones I served to the family also had rice.  I ate one Monday night and took another for my lunch on Tuesday.  They were yummy!  Tuesday night was the winter concert at school (I'm the music teacher so it was my baby) so I went out to the Mexican restaurant with a friend and had dinner.  No, I didn't have corn chips and yes, I stayed the course!  I had carne asada with a salad (no cheese, no croutons) and guacamole.  Can I absolutely guarantee everything was 100% compliant?  I guess not, but I felt pretty good about my choices and I'm going to call it good.

Yesterday I was at a class and didn't get to choose where we went to lunch, but I was able to get a small piece of prime rib and a plain salad, which I ate with a little salt and pepper.

So here I am at day five, finally!  I don't think I've made it this many days before, and it feels good.  Not body good yet, but emotionally good.  I'm getting better at telling myself positive things, and believing them about myself!

Saturday, January 26, 2013


Why, oh why, another blog about healthy eating, and about the Whole30 in particular?

Because this is me. I am a different individual, and have my own unique needs....and need to share my thoughts about this whole "getting healthy" thing.  Maybe it's just for me.  Maybe no one will ever read what I write here.....but I will.  I will give myself this outlet to share, even just with me, how this works for me, how I'm feeling about it, and how it is making me feel.

So I start my Whole30 today. I have started several other times.  But today I really want to make this real.

Okay, I think I've already technically done it wrong: my breakfast was a fruit smoothie made with coconut milk, coconut water, frozen blueberries and strawberries, spinach, and banana.  It's my favorite breakfast and it doesn't have anything in it that's not Whole30 approved, but I've just finished It Starts With Food and it does talk about forbidding smoothies.  But I'm going to count today anyway because......I just am!  Nothing in my smoothie was against the Whole30 rules, and if that smoothie is what it takes to get me to day 30, then smoothies for breakfast it will be!

Really, my motivation is health.  I made a New Year's resolution: to stop focusing on my weight.  Period.  I weighed myself on December 31 and I'm proud to say that was the last time I stepped on the scale.  I promised myself I wouldn't get on it again until December 31 2013, and I intend to keep that promise.

See, it's not about weight.  Well, up to this point it HAS been all about weight, and I've tried some pretty crazy things to try to lose the 75 or so pounds I probably need to lose.  But no more.  I decided to ask myself this question:  if I knew that I was going to be at this weight for the rest of my life, what would I do differently?  And the answer surprised me:

I would start living!

I would enjoy the life I have and the body I'm in.  I would not have to spend all my time obsessing over how much I weighed.  I would have space in my mind to focus on all the other aspects of my life.

What a freeing thought.

That said, I decided to seek out the healthiest way of living and eating I could find, so I could really enjoy the second half of my life with health and vigor.

Enter the Whole30.

I've known all my life that I had an intolerance to dairy.  I was diagnosed with a milk allergy as an infant.

I also know that my body doesn't do well with wheat in particular but other grains as well.

And sugar--well, it makes me a crazy woman.  I know this.  I've had trouble with reactive hypoglycemia my whole life.  I remember a time when I was newly married when my husband came home and I was practically comatose on the couch.  I don't know what I'd eaten that day, but he fed me some peanut butter and I perked up.  Those lows have happened many times over the years.  They are scary!

I have six amazing children and I want to be able to enjoy them.  I intend to find health in order to do just that.

So.....Day One.

I spent some time this morning making my first ever  mayonnaise.  Guess what?  It's good!  I used the basic recipe from this site:

Then I made up some salad dressing with olive oil, apple cider vinegar, and a little salt.  It was a little bland for me so I added some spicy brown mustard (checked the ingredients for compliance, of course) and about a tablespoon of my mayo.  Yum!  I think it's better than the Newman's Own Olive Oil and Vinegar, which is what I'd been using because at least it didn't have sugar, but which does have soybean oil so isn't compliant.  I'm looking forward to having a salad later today just so I can have my special dressing!

I didn't go to the gym today, and I probably won't.  It's Saturday and my time to hang out with the kids and maybe even sneak in a nap.  And my sleep has been so poor lately, I know my cortisol levels are all messed up, so probably more sleep and less exercise is what I need to get healthy right now anyway.

So there it is, more than anyone needed or wanted to know about my first day, but I'm, here I come!